Wednesday, September 22, 2021

What Does Server Mean?

 In this article we are going to see about Server...

A server is a computer, a device or a program that is dedicated to managing network resources. They are called that because they “serve” another computer, device, or program called “client” to which they provide functionality. A server is a computer that provides data to other computers. It may serve data to systems on a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) over the Internet.

What Does Server Mean? 

Many types of servers exist, including web servers, mail servers, and file servers. Each type runs software specific to the purpose of the server. For example, a Web server may run Apache HTTP Server or Microsoft IIS, which both provide access to websites over the Internet. A mail server may run a program like Exim or iMail, which provides SMTP services for sending and receiving email. A file server might use Samba or the operating system's built-in file sharing services to share files over a network.

While server software is specific to the type of server, the hardware is not as important. In fact, a regular desktop computers can be turned into a server by adding the appropriate software. For example, a computer connected to a home network can be designated as a file server, print server, or both.

While any computer can be configured as a server, most large businesses use rack-mountable hardware designed specifically for server functionality. These systems, often 1U in size, take up minimal space and often have useful features such as LED status lights and hot-swappable hard drive bays. Multiple rack-mountable servers can be placed in a single rack and often share the same monitor and input devices. Most servers are accessed remotely using remote access software, so input devices are often not even necessary.

While servers can run on different types of computers, it is important that the hardware is sufficient to support the demands of the server. For instance, a web server that runs lots of web scripts in real-time should have a fast processor and enough RAM to handle the "load" without slowing down. A file server should have one or more fast hard drives or SSDs that can read and write data quickly. Regardless of the type of server, a fast network connection is critical, since all data flows through that connection. 

There are a number of categories of servers, including print servers, file servers, network servers and database servers. In theory, whenever computers share resources with client machines they are considered servers.

However, servers are often referred to as dedicated because they carry out hardly any other tasks apart from their server tasks.

Information to be share Explains Server 

The purpose of a server is to manage network resources such as hosting websites, transmitting data, sending or receiving emails, controlling accesses, etc.

The server is connected to a switch or router used by all the other network computers can use to access the server’s features and services (browsing websites, checking emails, communicating with other users, etc.).

Some of the most common types of server include:

 Database servers

 They allow other computers to access a database and retrieve or upload data from and into it.

File servers

 They provide users with access to files and data stored centrally.

Web servers 

They deliver requested web pages to multiple client web browsers.

Mail servers

 They are a sort of “virtual post office” that store and sort emails before they are sent to users upon request.

Application servers 

They are servers that provide an environment with all the necessary requirements to run or develop an application.

Other types of server include:

  • Proxy servers
  • Cloud servers
  • Policy servers
  • Blade servers
  • Print servers

Domain name services Nearly all personal computers are capable of serving as network servers. However, usually software/hardware system dedicated computers have features and configurations optimized just for this task.

For example, dedicated servers may have high-performance RAM, a faster processor and several high-capacity hard drives. In addition, dedicated servers may be connected to redundant power supplies, several networks and other servers.

Such connection features and configurations are necessary as many client machines and client programs may depend on them to function efficiently, correctly and reliably.

For example, servers must be able to stay always on to deliver their services, and they’re set up with a certain degree of fault tolerance to reduce the risk of causing service issues.

In order to operate in the unique network environment where many computers and hardware/software systems are dependent on just one or several server computers, a server often has special characteristics and capabilities, including:

  • The ability to update hardware and software without a restart or reboot.
  • Advanced backup capability for frequent backup of critical data.
  • Advanced networking performance.
  • Automatic (invisible to the user) data transfer between devices.
  • High security for resources, data and memory protection.

Server computers often have special operating systems not usually found on personal computers. Some operating systems are available in both server and desktop versions and use similar interfaces.

However, an increase in the reliability of both server hardware and operating systems has blurred the distinctions between desktop and server operating systems.


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