Friday, October 1, 2021

How iOS is more secure than Android?

In this article we are going to see about How iOS is more secure than Android ?

This is why iOS is more secure than Android One person appreciates all the possibilities and functions of Android, while the other swears by the convenience of iOS. However, it is clear that this system has arranged its security better than the Google competitor. This is why iOS is more secure than Android.

1. Closed vs open 

Android is an open source system. This means that the source code is public and can be viewed by everyone. iOS, on the other hand, is a closed system: only Apple knows exactly how it works. With Android, anyone can look for possible vulnerabilities and find out exactly how the system works.

Apple’s system has just been closed, so that one retains total control and can make the rules themselves. App developers must therefore adhere to certain conditions, otherwise their applications will not end up in the App Store.

2. iOS users update faster 

Although Android 9.0 (Pie) has been out for a while now, this version is running so few Android smartphones that it is not yet included in the distribution figures. The vast majority of telephones have an older version.

Older system updates often contain more bugs, vulnerabilities and errors, which is detrimental to security. These are quite disappointing figures when you compare them to iOS 12, which quickly ran on more than half of all iPhones and iPads.

3. Less market share is better? 

When it comes to market share, Android reigns supreme with a percentage of 85 percent. Apple’s iOS is taking off with 15 percent, making it the second largest mobile operating system in the world.

While this is fantastic for Google, Android is also an attractive prey for hackers because of this market share. After all, they have more ‘customers’ than on iOS. It is therefore much more lucrative for hackers to create malicious software for the Google system.

Suppose two percent of Android owners install malware that keeps track of private data such as payment information and credit card data in the background, and 20 percent of iOS users fall for it. The absolute ‘gain’ for hackers is much greater with Android than with iOS thanks to more users.

4. Better security 

The security of Android and iOS devices differs as night and day. Apple uses the so-called ‘sandboxmethod, where apps have limited access to the rest of the system. For example, if an application contains malware, it cannot infect the rest of the system.

You can best compare this with a fire in a building. If a ‘fire’ breaks out in iOS (read: an app contains a virus), the rest of the phone will not be infected because Apple uses ‘fire doors’. This way the fire does not spread to other ‘rooms’ (other apps).

When a developer creates an app for iOS, he must submit with the application what information his application needs. For example, Instagram will not work without access to the camera. Apple checks this request and thus ensures that apps cannot request unnecessary user data.

This is (in theory) possible with Android phones, because this system is much more flexible and open in terms of security. This allows apps to work better with each other, so that they learn more quickly from your user preferences, for example. However, this is a disadvantage from a security point of view.

5.Face ID is superior 

In recent years, almost every high-end phone has some form of face unlock. Face ID, which includes the iPhone XS (Max) and iPhone XR, is by far the most secure of them all. This is due to the advanced TrueDepth camera that Apple uses.

This sensor makes a 3D scan of your face and recognizes 30,000 unique features. This way your iPhone unlocks even if you have a hat or cap on. The Galaxy S9, an iPhone competitor, also has a form of face unlock: Intelligent Scan. It is less refined than Face ID. The Samsung scanner scans the profile of your iris and face, but is less accurate. The chance that the scanner will fail and unlock the phone incorrectly is therefore higher. 

6. More frequent updates 

For iPad and iPhone users, it is normal to get about three to four major iOS updates. This while many Android owners are allowed to rub their hands when they receive two years of security patches.

Every year, Apple releases a major iOS version update at the same time as the new iPhones, such as iOS 12. Even the iPhone 5S, from 2013, has been updated. In addition, the Cupertino company rolls out smaller updates every few weeks that are designed to fix bugs. Sometimes features are also added, such as new emoji in iOS 12.1. That way, iPads and iPhones are regularly updated, which greatly reduces the chance of errors in the system. Unlike Google, Apple has total control over iOS. The search engine giant has to work with multiple partners and tweak the software for hundreds of unique devices. As a result, the average Android smartphone receives fewer version and security updates. Read on about it update policy of Android on our sister site Android Planet.

7. Download apps The App Store is the place to be for downloading apps. Apple monitors all programs in this store and is therefore responsible for safety. This means you cannot just download apps from other sources, as is possible with Google.

Android phones can very easily download apk files outside of the official Play Store. This gives you as a user more supply, but you also run an increased risk. After all, Google has no view of apps outside its own store and can therefore not guarantee security. Apple does not have this problem.

Of course, it is possible to download unofficial programs on iOS, but it requires some effort, such as jailbreaking your iPhone. That is against the guidelines of Apple and you are thereby wasting your right to warranty. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What is end-to-end encryption?

In this article we are going to see about end-to-end encryption...

End-to-end encryption:

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a method of secure communication that prevents third parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one end system or device to another.

In E2EE, the data is encrypted on the sender's system or device, and only the intended recipient can decrypt it. As it travels to its destination, the message cannot be read or tampered with by an internet service provider (ISP), application service provider, hacker or any other entity or service.

Many popular messaging service providers use end-to-end encryption, including Facebook, WhatsApp and Zoom. These providers have faced controversy around the decision to adopt E2EE. The technology makes it harder for providers to share user information from their services with authorities and potentially provides private messaging to people involved in illicit activities.

How does end-to-end encryption work?

The cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt the messages are stored on the endpoints. This approach uses public key encryption.Public key, or asymmetric, encryption uses a public key that can be shared with others and a private key. Once shared, others can use the public key to encrypt a message and send it to the owner of the public key. The message can only be decrypted using the corresponding private key, also called the decryption key.

In online communications, there is almost always an intermediary handing off messages between two parties involved in an exchange. That intermediary is usually a server belonging to an ISP, a telecommunications company or a variety of other organizations. The public key infrastructure E2EE uses ensures the intermediaries cannot eavesdrop on the messages that are being sent.

The method for ensuring a public key is the legitimate key created by the intended recipient is to embed the public key in a certificate that has been digitally signed by a recognized certificate authority (CA). Because the CA's public key is widely distributed and known, its veracity can be counted on; a certificate signed by that public key can be presumed authentic. Since the certificate associates the recipient's name and public key, the CA would presumably not sign a certificate that associated a different public key with the same name.

How does E2EE differ from other types of encryption? 

What makes end-to-end encryption unique compared to other encryption systems is that only the endpoints -- the sender and the receiver -- are capable of decrypting and reading the message. Symmetric key encryption, which is also known as single-key or secret key encryption, also provides an unbroken layer of encryption from sender to recipient, but it uses only one key to encrypt messages.

The key used in single-key encryption can be a password, code or string of randomly generated numbers and is sent to the message recipient, enabling them to unencrypt the message. It may be complex and make the message look like gibberish to intermediaries passing it from sender to receiver. However, the message can be intercepted, decrypted and read, no matter how drastically the one key changes it if an intermediary gets ahold of the key. E2EE, with its two keys, keeps intermediaries from accessing the key and decrypting the message.

Another standard encryption strategy is encryption in transit. In this strategy, messages are encrypted by the sender, decrypted intentionally at an intermediary point -- a third-party server owned by the messaging service provider -- and then reencrypted and sent to the recipient. The message is unreadable in transit and may use two-key encryption, but it is not using end-to-end encryption because the message has been decrypted before reaching its final recipient.

Encryption in transit, like E2EE, keeps messages from being intercepted on their journey, but it does create potential vulnerabilities at that midpoint where they are decrypted. The Transport Layer Security encryption protocol is an example of encryption in transit.

How is end-to-end encryption used?

End-to-end encryption is used when data security is necessary, including in the finance, healthcare and communications industries. It is often used to help companies comply with data privacy and security regulations and laws.

For example, an electronic point-of-sale (POS) system provider would include E2EE in its offering to protect sensitive information, such as customer credit card data. Including E2EE would also help a retailer comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which mandates that card numbers, magnetic stripe data and security codes are not stored on client devices.

What does end-to-end encryption protect against? 

E2EE protects against the following two threats:

Prying eyes. E2EE keeps anyone other than the sender and intended recipient from reading message information in transit because only the sender and recipient have the keys to decrypt the message. Although the message may be visible to an intermediary server that is helping move the message along, it won't be legible. Tampering. E2EE also protects against tampering with encrypted messages. There is no way to predictably alter a message encrypted this way, so any attempts at altering would be obvious.

What doesn't end-to-end encryption protect against? 

Although the E2EE key exchange is considered unbreakable using known algorithms and current computing power, there are several identified potential weaknesses of the encryption scheme, including the following three:

Metadata. While E2EE protects the information inside a message, it does not conceal information about the message, such as the date and time it was sent or the participants in the exchange. This metadata could give malicious actors with an interest in the encrypted information clues as to where they may be able to intercept the information once it has been unencrypted. Compromised endpoints. If either endpoint has been compromised, an attacker may be able to see a message before it is encrypted or after it is decrypted. Attackers could also retrieve keys from compromised endpoints and execute a man-in-the-middle attack with a stolen public key. Vulnerable intermediaries. Sometimes, providers claim to offer end-to-end encryption when what they really offer is closer to encryption in transit. The data may be stored on an intermediary server where it can be accessed.

Advantages of end-to-end encryption

The main advantage of end-to-end encryption is a high level of data privacy, provided by the following features:

Security in transit. End-to-end encryption uses public key cryptography, which stores private keys on the endpoint devices. Messages can only be decrypted using these keys, so only people with access to the endpoint devices are able to read the message. Tamper-proof. With E2EE, the decryption key does not have to be transmitted; the recipient will already have it. If a message encrypted with a public key gets altered or tampered with in transit, the recipient will not be able to decrypt it, so the tampered contents will not be viewable. Compliance. Many industries are bound by regulatory compliance laws that require encryption-level data security. End-to-end encryption can help organizations protect that data by making it unreadable. Disadvantages of end-to-end encryption Although E2EE generally does a good job of securing digital communications, it does not guarantee data security. 

Shortcomings of E2EE include the following:

Complexity in defining the endpoints. Some E2EE implementations allow the encrypted data to be decrypted and reencrypted at certain points during transmission. This makes it important to clearly define and distinguish the endpoints of the communication circuit. Too much privacy. Government and law enforcement agencies express concern that end-to-end encryption can protect people sharing illicit content because service providers are unable to provide law enforcement with access to the content. Visible metadata. Although messages in transit are encrypted and impossible to read, information about the message -- date sent and recipient, for instance -- is still visible, which may provide useful information to an interloper. Endpoint security. If endpoints are compromised, encrypted data may be revealed. Not future-proof. Although end-to-end encryption is a strong technology now, there is speculation that eventually quantum computing will render cryptography obsolete. Applications that use E2EE The first widely used E2EE messaging software was Pretty Good Privacy, which secured email and stored files and digital signatures. Text messaging applications frequently use end-to-end encryption, including Apple's iMessage, Jabber and Signal Protocol (formerly TextSecure Protocol). POS providers, like Square, also use E2EE protocols to help maintain PCI compliance.

In 2019, Facebook announced that all three of its messaging services would begin using E2EE. However, law enforcement and intelligence agencies argue that encryption limits Facebook's ability to police illegal activity on its platforms. The debate often focuses on how E2EE can make it more difficult to identify and disrupt child abuse on private messaging platforms.


What is Solar Energy and How Do Solar Panels Work?

In this article we are going to see about Sola energy and how Solar Panels work ?

What Is Solar Energy? 

Simply put, solar is the most abundant source of energy on Earth. About 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strike the Earth at any given time - more than 10,000 times the world's total energy needs.

By capturing the sun's energy and turning it into electricity for your home or business, solar energy is a key solution in combating the current climate crisis and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

How Does Solar Energy Work? 

Our sun is a natural nuclear reactor. It releases tiny packets of energy called photons, which travel the 93 million miles from the sun to Earth in about 8.5 minutes. Every hour, enough photons impact our planet to generate enough solar energy to theoretically satisfy global energy needs for an entire year.

Currently photovoltaic power accounts for only five-tenths of one percent of the energy consumed in the United States. But solar technology is improving and the cost of going solar is dropping rapidly, so our ability to harness the sun's abundance of energy is on the rise.

In 2017,the International Energy Agency showed that solar had become the world's fastest-growing source of power – marking the first time that solar energy's growth had surpassed that of all other fuels. Since then solar has continued to grow and break records around the globe.

How Does Weather Affect Solar Energy?

Weather conditions can impact the amount of electricity a solar system produces, but not exactly in the way you might think.

Perfect conditions for producing solar energy include a clear sunny day, of course. But like most electronics, solar panels are actually more efficient in cold weather than warm weather. This allows the panel to produce more electricity in the same amount of time. As the temperature rises, the panel generates less voltage and produces less electricity.

But even though solar panels are more efficient in cold weather, they don't necessarily produce more electricity in the winter than in summer. Sunnier weather often occurs in the warmer summer months. In addition to fewer clouds, the sun is usually out for more of the day. So even though your panels may be less efficient in warm weather, they'll still likely produce more electricity in summer than in winter.

Do Some States Get More Solar Energy Than Others?

Obviously, some states get more sun than others. So the real question is: if weather can affect solar energy production, are some states better candidates for solar energy than others? The short answer is yes, but not necessarily because of weather.

Take clouds for example. Anyone who has been sunburned on a cloudy day knows that solar radiation penetrates through clouds. For that same reason, solar panels can still produce electricity on cloudy days. But depending on the cloud cover and the quality of the solar panels, the efficiency of the solar panels electricity production commonly drops from 10 to 25 percent or more compared to a sunny day.

In other words, solar power can still work well in typically cloudy, cold locations. New York, San Francisco, Milwaukee, Boston, Seattle - all of those cities experience inclement weather, from rain and fog to blizzards, yet they're also cities where people see huge savings by getting solar.

No matter where you live, solar energy can be an excellent investment and an excellent way to help combat climate change. How much you'll save - and how quickly you'll see a return on your investment in a particular state - depends on many factors, like the cost of electricity, solar incentives available, net metering, and the quality of your solar panels.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

When photons hit a solar cell, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. If conductors are attached to the positive and negative sides of a cell, it forms an electrical circuit. When electrons flow through such a circuit, they generate electricity. Multiple cells make up a solar panel, and multiple panels (modules) can be wired together to form a solar array. The more panels you can deploy, the more energy you can expect to generate.

What are Solar Panels Made of ? 

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are made up of many solar cells. Solar cells are made of silicon, like semiconductors. They are constructed with a positive layer and a negative layer, which together create an electric field, just like in a battery.

How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity ? 

PV solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity. With DC electricity, electrons flow in one direction around a circuit. This example shows a battery powering a light bulb. The electrons move from the negative side of the battery, through the lamp, and return to the positive side of the battery.

With AC (alternating current) electricity, electrons are pushed and pulled, periodically reversing direction, much like the cylinder of a car's engine. Generators create AC electricity when a coil of wire is spun next to a magnet. Many different energy sources can "turn the handle" of this generator, such as gas or diesel fuel, hydroelectricity, nuclear, coal, wind, or solar.

AC electricity was chosen for the U.S. electrical power grid, primarily because it is less expensive to transmit over long distances. However, solar panels create DC electricity. How do we get DC electricity into the AC grid? We use an inverter. What Does a Solar Inverter Do? A solar inverter takes the DC electricity from the solar array and uses that to create AC electricity. Inverters are like the brains of the system. Along with inverting DC to AC power, they also provide ground fault protection and system stats, including voltage and current on AC and DC circuits, energy production and maximum power point tracking.

Central inverters have dominated the solar industry since the beginning. The introduction of micro-inverters is one of the biggest technology shifts in the PV industry. Micro-inverters optimize for each individual solar panel, not for an entire solar system, as central inverters do.

This enables every solar panel to perform at maximum potential. When a central inverter is used, having a problem on one solar panel (maybe it's in the shade or has gotten dirty) can drag down the performance of the entire solar array. Micro-inverters, such as the ones in SunPower's Equinox home solar system, make this a non-issue. If one solar panel has an issue, the rest of the solar array still performs efficiently.

How Does a Solar Panel System Work?

Here's an example of how a home solar energy installation works. First, sunlight hits a solar panel on the roof. The panels convert the energy to DC current, which flows to an inverter. The inverter converts the electricity from DC to AC, which you can then use to power your home. It's beautifully simple and clean, and it's getting more efficient and affordable all the time.

However, what happens if you're not home to use the electricity your solar panels are generating every sunny day? And what happens at night when your solar system is not generating power in real-time? Don't worry, you may still benefit through a system called "net metering."*

A typical grid-tied PV system, during peak daylight hours, frequently produces more energy than one customer needs, so that excess energy is fed back into the grid for use elsewhere. The customer who is eligible for net metering may receive credits for the excess energy produced and can use those credits to draw from the grid at night or on cloudy days. A net meter records the energy sent compared to the energy received from the grid. Read our article on net metering and how it works.

Adding storage to a solar system enhances those benefits even further. With a solar storage system, customers can store their own energy on-site, further reducing their reliance on grid electricity and preserving the ability to power their home in the event of a power outage. If the storage system includes software monitoring, that software monitors solar production, home energy use and utility rates to determine which power source to use throughout the day - maximizing the use of solar, providing the customer the ability to reduce peak-time charges, and the ability to store power for later use during an outage. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Paying with Bitcoin: These are the major companies that accept crypto as payment

In this article we are going to see about Paying with Bitcoin: These are the major companies that accept crypto as payment...

Cryptocurrency Payments Are Being Accepted in India by These Companies Despite the ambiguity around cryptocurrency regulations in India, virtual currencies are fast gaining popularity in the country as a form of payment. o say that the average man's interest in cryptocurrency is growing by the day would be an understatement. This holds true even for countries like India, where cryptocurrency trade is yet to be regulated. The confidence in the capabilities of cryptocurrencies among traders was emboldened by the Supreme Court decision taken last year to reverse a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) order, thereby allowing trade in cryptocurrency assets. Further proof of India warming up to the idea of cryptocurrency lies in the fact that several companies have begun to accept it as a recognised mode of transaction. From the food and beverages industry to home decor, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have crept into mainstream transactions, albeit in a small way.

If you are a cryptocurrency investor in India, here is a list of companies that can help you spend your currency.

Suryawanshi Restaurants

Imagine finishing off a sumptuous Kolhapuri thali only to find that you have forgotten to carry your cash or card. Well, if you are a Bitcoin investor, you will have no problem paying the bill at the Suryawanshi restaurants in Bengaluru's Indiranagar and Whitefield. Along with traditional payment modes such as cash, card, and payment apps, Bitcoin is accepted at the eatery. Bitcoin price in India stood at Rs. 34.74 lakhs as of 5:30pm IST on August 10.


You may have warmed up to the idea of cryptocurrency, but if your friends and family still swear by the traditional modes of payment, Cryptocurrency exchange Unocoin is the place for you. The company is now providing Bitcoin owners with an option of buying gift vouchers from a list of 90 brands. Starting from Rs. 100 to Rs. 5,000, a registered Unocoin user can use Bitcoin to buy vouchers for travel, restaurants, lifestyle, clothing, accessories, hotels, and more. All you have to do is be a KYC-verified customer with Bitcoin in your digital wallet.


HighKart, an online e-commerce store founded in 2013, also accepts Bitcoin payments for the purchase of products on its site. The platform allows you to purchase mobiles, cameras, clothes, electronics, computers, and other electronic items.


From books to personal hygiene goods, Sapna is an online platform that allows you to buy items using Bitcoins, enabled by the Unocoin cryptocurrency exchange. The platform allows you to buy products from any part of India and have them shipped to your doorstep.


Bitrefill is a platform that claims to “allow anyone to live on cryptocurrency more easily.” And the several Indian companies featured on the platform point to the fact that as a cryptocurrency owner, your options have opened up. Fancy a coffee? Well, you can use your Bitcoin to buy a gift voucher for a drink at Café Coffee Day. With companies like cosmetics brand Nykaa and jewellery brand Tanishq allowing you to purchase gift cards for their products, the platform can be a one-stop shop for all your needs. The website says that the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Tether are accepted.


As an online store that sells electronic goods, Purse accepts Bitcoin cash. In addition to payment, the platform also allows you to convert Bitcoin into gift cards.

The Rug Republic

The Rug Republic is a Delhi-based decor brand that accepts not just Bitcoin but the top 20 cryptocurrencies as per market capitalization for its products. Though the brand is leaning on platforms like WazirX and Binance to facilitate transactions, it says it is looking forward to developing an in-house payment system.

Pavilion Hotels & Resorts 

As the latest company to permit crypto transactions, the Hong Kong-based Pavilion Hotels & Resorts group has also become the first international hotel chain to embrace virtual currency payments. The group - which owns properties in Amsterdam, Madrid, Lisbon, and Rome as well as Bali and Phuket - will accept bookings using 40 different tokens, including Bitcoin and Ethereum from July through their partnership with payment platform Coindirect.

AXA Insurance

 As of the start of April, the insurance broker behemoth will allow customers in Switzerland to use Bitcoin as a payment option for their bills. The decision to embrace cryptocurrencies has been in the pipeline since market research conducted by the company in 2019 found that nearly a third of respondents aged 18 to 55 had either already invested in them or were interested in doing so. 

Customers will now have a reference code printed on bills for non-life insurance policies in order to pay their premiums through crypto exchange Bitcoin Suisse which will then convert them into Swiss Francs.


As one of the largest software companies in the world, it is significant that Microsoft accepts Bitcoin payments, going some way to instill a degree of confidence in using cryptos. Redeemed for credit in topping up user accounts, Bitcoin can be used to pay for an array of services, including Xbox Live and Skype.

The company’s interest in crypto technology doesn’t end there. Utilising blockchain, Microsoft has also launched ION, a two-layered authentication platform on the Bitcoin network in late March. Instead of payments, the technology creates digital IDs to authenticate online identities.


 Following an extensive trial, Starbucks customers can now use the new Bakkt app to pay for drinks and goods at the coffee chain with converted Bitcoin. According to the app’s creators, 500,000 people took up the invitation-only, early access programme to test the digital wallet as a method of payment.


 The CEO of electric carmaker Tesla Elon Musk has an up and down relationship with Bitcoin. Initially, the company announced earlier this year that it would accept Bitcoin payments for vehicle purchases in the US. It comes off the back of a $1.5 billion (€1.2 billion) investment in the cryptocurrency by Elon Musk’s company in February. However, this has now been turned on its head with pronouncements that Tesla will put Bitcoin transactions on hold until more than 50 per cent of tokens are mined using renewable energy.


It was reported earlier this year that Amazon was joining the ranks of other tech giants, including Facebook, in laying the groundwork for its own exclusive cryptocurrency. That said, the e-commerce company doesn’t directly accept cryptos yet. You can, however, buy Amazon vouchers through crypto-only company Bitrefill, a platform that makes living on cryptocurrencies easier by converting Bitcoin into gift cards, refill phones, and so on.


 Credit card company Visa confirmed at the end of March that it was piloting a scheme with platform to accept cryptocurrency to settle transactions on its payment network. It will now accept USD Coin (USDC), a stablecoin crypto that is pegged to the value of the US dollar.


 Following an announcement in October last year, PayPal users in the US can now buy, sell or hold a select few cryptos, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. In addition, you’ll be able to track cryptocurrencies through the PayPal app. The only drawback is that money can’t be transferred out of the company’s digital wallet.

In August, the company announced that users in the UK can now also trade in Ether, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash on PayPal's website and mobile app.


Latvian airline airBaltic became the first aviation company in the world to accept Bitcoin as payment for fares back in 2014. According to the company, it has processed more than 1,000 Bitcoin transactions since it launched the payment option seven years ago. Its decision to do so saw another eastern European airline, LOT Polish Airlines, follow suit the following year.


 Renowned auction house Sotheby's first began accepting cryptocurrency as payment in late June and has since firmly embraced both cryptos and NFTs.

Since it announced it now accepted cryptos, it accepted Bitcoin as payment for a rare 101 carrat diamond which sold in July for $12.3 million (€10.4 million). It became the most valuable item ever bought with cryptocurrency at an auction.

Where lots are listed as "cryptocurrency payments," the auction house will accept both Bitcoin and Ether as payment. There are certain restrictions, however, as payments will only be accepted through certain approved exchange wallets, including Coinbase.

Coca Cola 

Amatil, the drinks’ giant’s bottler and distributor in the Asia-Pacific region, has enabled cryptocurrency as a method of payment through its partnership with the Centrapay platform. As of 2020, there are now over 2,000 vending machines in Australia and New Zealand which are geared to accept cryptos to pay for drinks.

LOT Polish Airlines

 Following in the wake of airBaltic, LOT Polish Airlines announced in 2015 that it would also accept Bitcoin as a payment method for flights. Despite the six years that have passed since its decision, LOT remains one of the only European airlines to allow cryptocurrency as a payment option.


Travel giant Expedia is one of the most prominent travel agencies to accept Bitcoin through its partnership with crypto-friendly travel booking platform Travala. You can now book 700,000 hotels from the website’s listings with more than 30 different cryptos, including Bitcoin.


 Lush was one of the first global companies to adapt to the use of cryptocurrencies, fully embracing them in 2017 when the handmade cosmetics company started to allow Bitcoin payments for orders on its website through a partnership with

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Advantages and Disadvantages of 5g network

In this article we are going to see about advantages and disadvantages of 5g network

Introduction to 5G technology: The specifications of 5G are specified in 3GPP Rel. 15 and beyond. 5G is the short form of fifth Generation. 5G technology supercedes 4G LTE standard. The 5G NR (New Radio) initial specifications have been finalized by 3GPP in december 2017.

5G will be deployed in two phases viz. non-standalone and standalone. In non-standalone phase, control mechanism is leveraged using existing 4G LTE network and data transfer takes place using 5G network infrastructure. In standalone phase, control and data mechanism both are carried out using 5G network elements.

The 5G technology based devices operate in different bands from 3 to 300 GHz. The frequency ranges below 6 GHz is used for 5G macro optimized, 3 to 30 GHz for 5G E small cells, 30 to 100 GHz for 5G Ultra Dense and 30 to 300 GHz is used for 5G millimeter wave.

Many technologies fall under 5G. It includes LTE-U (LTE Unlicensed), C-V2X (Cellular Vehicle to Everything), LTE for IoT, cellular drone etc.

Following are the main features of 5G technology. 

Bandwidth: Supports 1Gbps or higher

 • Frequency bands: Sub-1 GHz, 1 to 6 GHz, > 6 GHz in mm bands (28 GHz, 40 GHz) 

Peak data rate: Approx. 1 to 10 Gbps 

Cell Edge Data rate: 100 Mbps 

End to End delay : 1 to 5 ms Benefits or Advantages of 5G technology

 Following are the benefits or advantages of 5G technology:

 ➨Data rates of about 10 Gbps or higher can be achieved. This provides better user experience as download and upload speeds are higher. 

➨Latency of less than 1 ms can be achieved in 5G mm wave. This leads to immediate connection establishment and release with 5G network by 5G smartphones. Hence traffic load is decreased on 5G base stations. 

➨Higher bandwidth can be used with the help of carrier aggregation feature. 

➨Antenna size is smaller at higher frequencies. This leads to use of massive MIMO concept to achieve higher data rates.

 ➨Dynamic beamforming is employed to overcome pathloss at higher frequencies. 

➨Due to improved 5G network architecture handoff is smooth and hence it does not have any effect on data transfer when mobile user changes cells. 

➨Typically 5G offers 10x throughput, 10x decrease in latency, 10x connection density, 3x spectrum efficiency, 100x traffic capacity and 100x network efficiency. Drawbacks or Disadvantages of 5G technology Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of 5G technology: 

➨It requires skilled engineers to install and maintain 5G network. Moreover 5G equipments are costly. This increases cost of 5G deployment and maintenance phases. 

➨5G smartphones are costly. Hence it will take some time for the common man to make use of 5G technology. 

➨The technology is still under development and will take time before it is fully operational without any issues. 

➨Coverage distance of upto 2 meters (in indoor) and 300 meters (in outdoor) can be achieved due to higher losses at high frequencies (such as millimeter waves). 5G mmwave suffers from many such losses (penetration loss, attenuation due to rain, foliage loss etc.) ➨It will take time for security and privacy issues to be resolved fully in 5G network.

5G Security Concerns 5G cybersecurity needs some significant improvements to avoid growing risks of hacking. Some of the security worries result from the network itself, while others involve the devices connecting to 5G. But both aspects put consumers, governments, and businesses at risk.

When it comes to 5g and cybersecurity

here are a few of the main concerns:

Decentralized security. Pre-5G networks had less hardware traffic points-of-contact, which made it easier to do security checks and upkeep. 5G's dynamic software-based systems have far more traffic routing points. To be completely secure, all of these need to be monitored. Since this might prove difficult, any unsecured areas might compromise other parts of the network.

More bandwidth will strain current security monitoring. While existing networks are limited in speed and capacity, this has helped providers monitor security in real-time. So, the benefits of an expanded 5G network might hurt cybersecurity. The added speed and volume will challenge security teams to create new methods for stopping threats.

Many IoT devices are manufactured with a lack of security. Not all manufacturers are prioritizing cybersecurity, as seen with many low-end smart devices. 5G means more utility and potential for IoT. As more devices are encouraged to connect, billions of devices with varied security means billions of possible breach points. Smart TVs, door locks, refrigerators, speakers, and even minor devices like a thermometer for a fish tank can be a network weakness. A lack of security standards for IoT devices means network breaches and hacking might run rampant.

Lack of encryption early in the connection process reveals device info that can be used for device specific IoT targeted attacks. This information helps hackers know what devices are connected to the network. Details such as operating system and device type (smartphone, vehicle modem, etc.) can help hackers plan their attacks with more precision.

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities can take form in a wide variety of attacks. Some of the known cyberthreats include:

Botnet attacks control a network of connected devices to puppeteer a massive cyberattack. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) overload a network or website to take it offline. Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attacks quietly intercept and change communications between two parties. Location tracking and call interception can be done if someone knows even a small amount about broadcast paging protocols.

The Future of 5G and Cybersecurity 

To stave off widespread weaknesses in national mobile networks, technology developers will have to be extra attentive to 5G security.

5G security foundations are needed in networks first. Network providers will begin focusing on software protections to cover the unique risks of 5G. They will need to collaborate with cybersecurity firms to develop encryption solutions, network monitoring, and more.

Manufacturers need an incentive to up their security efforts. 5G security is only as strong as its weakest links. But the costs of developing and implementing secure tech do not motivate all manufacturers to focus on cybersecurity. This is especially true in low-end products like kids' smartwatches and cheap smart baby monitors. If manufacturers receive benefits that offset their bottom-line losses, they may be more likely to boost their consumer protections.

Consumer education on IoT cybersecurity is necessary. The wide variation in security quality means product labeling standards will be needed. Because users have no way to easily know how safe IoT devices are, smart tech manufacturers might start to be held accountable with a label system. The FCC grades other forms of radio transmission, so the growing market of IoT devices may soon be included. Also, users need to be taught the importance of securing all internet devices with software updates.

Efforts to improve security are happening alongside the initial rollout of 5G. But because we need real-world results to refine the protections, work will continue long after 5G is deployed.

Friday, September 24, 2021

What is 5G?

In this article we are going to see about What is 5G?

 The Definitive Guide to 5G:

Everything you need to know about 5G It’s fair to say that since the last couple of years, there has been no buzzword having as strong a marketing impact as the word 5G. The word signifies so much that the industry has been promoting it every nook and corner. New smartphones support 5G. New carrier deployments talk about 5G services. Chip vendors talk about 5G modems and SoCs. Device makers upsell 5G as the “next big thing” that will “change users’ lives.” Depending on who you talk to, you’ll hear different things about 5G. Is it mildly upgraded 4G mobile broadband, or is it the technology that will connect industries and services, power a massive number of IoT devices, and serve as the backbone support for future innovation? What is 5G, exactly? Is it worth the hype?

5G will be a big part of the mobile era in the 2020s, and it will be tough to separate the wheat from the chaff. What do consumers need to be aware of? This is our in-depth guide to 5G where we’ll lay out the answers to these questions.

What is 5G? 

5G is the fifth generation mobile network. 5G NR (New Radio) is the air interface that powers 5G, succeeding 4G LTE. The 5G specification was developed by the 3GPP, an industry standards body. Release 15 of the specification was completed in 2018, while Release 16 was completed in June 2020.

Similar to 4G, 5G is a cellular mobile network that powers mobile broadband. It uses different radiofrequency (RF) waves than 4G, but the underlying principle is the same: networks are divided into cells, and devices get cellular connectivity by connecting to radio waves emitting from a carrier-installed node. The big benefits of 5G over 4G are increased capacity, higher bandwidth, and higher speeds. 

The background Every ten years or so, mobile networks get a technology upgrade in terms of the standard. The 1G networks of the 1980s were analog networks. The release of 2G GSM was a big milestone back in 1991, as 2G networks were digital networks. 2G networks, for example, brought support for SMS texting. There were two types of 2G networks: GSM and CDMA2000. The 2G GSM networks later brought rudimentary and slow mobile data in the form of GPRS and EDGE (2.5G and 2.75G respectively). Browsing the web with 2G meant waiting minutes for a web page to load, but this was only the beginning of mobile Internet.

The first commercial 3G networks were rolled out in 2001. While 2G signified digital voice calling, 3G signified mobile data. Just like 2G, 3G was of three types: WCDMA (which was used in global phones), and EVDO Rev A. It took a long time for 3G networks to proliferate across the world; India, for example, didn’t have 3G networks until 2010. While mobile Internet was a viable venture with 3G, data speeds weren’t that good, as 3G UMTS only had a 144Kbps data speed target in the beginning. HSPA and HSPA+ (3.5G) did improve data speeds, but for the most part, browsing the web on 3G was a slow experience with speeds ranging from 1Mbps to 10Mbps on average.

Then came 4G LTE networks, starting in 2010. 4G was the standard that made fast, usable mobile data a reality. It had a data download speed target of 100Mbps, but most 4G networks these days have only 10-50Mbps download speeds because of congestion. It unlocked new industries such as ride sharing. It brought IP-based telephony in the form of Voice over LTE (VoLTE). 4G LTE was the successor to both global 3G (WCDMA/UMTS/HSPA) and EVDO Rev A. 4G networks were the best yet, and smartphones featuring 4G were more powerful than ever. 4G has been iterated upon by LTE-Advanced, and advancements in 4G keep happening with new modem chips being released every year. 4G is a mature technology, one that has changed the world.

With ever-increasing data requirements, though, 4G couldn’t keep up. 4G networks were starting to become congested, and as more consumers used them, data speeds started falling.

The time for a new cellular generation had arrived.

5G networks and modems have been in development for four years now, but commercial 5G only started to became a reality in 2019. In 2020, more 5G networks were rolled out, and more 5G devices were released on the market. 5G is still not a mainstream reality for more than half of the world, but over the next five years, that will change. The roll out of 4G networks is nearly complete, and so, carriers will now turn their attention to 5G.

The applications of 5G: 

cellular data and voice, enterprise solutions, and IoT 5G is a broad term. Generally speaking, it has applications in three fields:

  • Mobile data and voice
  •  Enterprise solutions 
  • IoT connectivity

 5G for smartphone users deals with the first field. The enterprise sector will, no doubt, benefit from it as well, with applications in industries such as driverless cars, smart cities, uses in the medical sector, smart machinery, smart manufacturing, etc. With respect to the third field, IoT, the telecommunications and mobile industries have been proclaiming for years that 5G will connect Internet of Things (IoT) devices in massive numbers. Everything around us will be connected. Will it happen? Possibly. For smartphone users, the latter two fields are academically interesting, but it’s the first field—mobile data and voice—which actually matters for end users. For smartphone users, 5G refers to faster data—much, much faster in some cases. The new networks also promise incredibly low latency, on par with wired broadband. This will be a big deal for use cases such as multiplayer cloud gaming which rely on extremely low latency. While 4G networks have never managed to get latency down to wired broadband levels, 5G is promising just that.

5G will also have much higher bandwidth and network data capacity. Supposedly, it won’t be as overwhelmed as 4G was when a huge number of users begin using the network. For carriers that have overwhelmed 4G networks, 5G will represent improved quality of service, less downtime, and a better customer experience.

It’s all about the speeds, though. The 5G specification targets 20Gbps maximum downlink speeds, which is ten times more than the highest 4G LTE modem chip (which go as high as 2Gbps). Of course, 20Gbps is only a theoretical target so far. The best modem chips released by chip vendors Qualcomm and Samsung can go as high as a theoretical maximum of 7.5Gbps (when using millimeter wave 5G) and 5Gbps (when using sub-6GHz 5G). In the real world, some mmWave 5G networks have gone as high as 1.5Gbps downlink, while sub-6GHz 5G networks have gone as high as 600-700Mbps. With these speeds, consumers will naturally expect 5G to be an order of magnitude faster than their existing 4G LTE networks. It’s more complicated than that, though. Networks such as T-Mobile and AT&T’s low-band 5G networks are only slightly faster than 4G networks, to the extent where some are calling them 4.9G. In some cases, they may even be slower. A 5G network doesn’t necessarily mean it will be substantially faster than a 4G network, because it’s all about the radiofrequency spectrum. The rabbit hole here is quite deep, so you can have 5G networks with data downlink speeds of only 30-50Mbps, while other mid band 5G networks can go as high as 500-600Mbps. Networks vary. Network types vary as well.

The technology behind 5G: 

OFDM, spectrum, and modes Speaking broadly, 5G is powered by the same technology that powers 4G: orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). I’m not going deeply into technical specifics here. OFDM is a type of digital transmission and a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. It’s robust and efficient, so it’s the technology of choice. 5G incorporates both frequency division duplex (FDD) and time division duplex (TDD) technologies, just like 4G (FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE).

The key characteristic that separates 5G from 4G is spectrum. Spectrum is the range of electromagnetic frequencies that are used to transmit data through the air. 5G can use a broader spectrum of RF waves than 4G, which gives it the ability to provide higher speeds and higher data capacity. 10-20MHz of 5G spectrum in a low band such as 600MHz will give speeds ranging from 50Mbps-100Mbps, but with more spectrum, the speeds go rapidly up.

4G spectrum can also be re-purposed thanks to a technology called Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS). This is what carriers such as AT&T is doing in the U.S. The highest 5G speeds will only be achieved with different spectrum, though.

There are two modes of 5G: 

non-standalone mode (NSA) and standalone mode (SA). Right now, nearly every carrier is relying on NSA 5G. Here, the 5G network is dependent on 4G base stations and 4G core network. The data link transfer in such networks is using 4G network facilities. NSA is easier for carriers to deploy as they can reuse their 4G core networks and network facilities. The disadvantage here is that it’s dependent on 4G so speeds won’t be as high, while latency won’t go as low as it can go in SA mode. The SA mode is the true 5G dream that has yet to be widely realized. A few mobile network operators like T-Mobile in the U.S. have started to flip the switch for SA mode, but a broader roll out will happen in 2021 for more carriers. SA 5G networks are completely independent of 4G, as they use a 5G core network and independent network facilities. The data link transfer here doesn’t rely on 4G, which means SA networks can promise much higher speeds and much lower latency.

Newer smartphone releases powered by the latest modems support both modes, meaning they support future SA networks in addition to the current NSA networks.

Network bands explained Sub-6GHz – Low band and mid band There are two types of 5G. One is sub-6GHz 5G, which can be thought of as the true successor to 4G LTE. The other is millimeter wave 5G (mmWave). When you read about 1Gbps downlink speeds and line-of-sight to node requirements, you’re reading about mmWave. When you read about reliable 5G networks that actually work indoors and with real-world speeds of 100-500Mbps, you’re reading about sub-6GHz.

Most consumers will only experience sub-6GHz, because globally, carriers have been intelligent enough to treat mmWave with caution. In some countries such as the U.S., though, carriers have (cynically, in my opinion) launched mmWave first because of the initial lack of available sub-6GHz spectrum. While countries such as Russia, Japan, and South Korea have joined the mmWave bandwagon, the vast majority of the world has chosen to play it safe with sub-6GHz.

Low band 5G is similar to the FDD-LTE bands that are used in 4G networks today. These bands have the lowest radio frequencies of the 5G “layer cake” dubbed by T-Mobile. T-Mobile has a 600MHz “nationwide” 5G network in the U.S., for example, while AT&T has a similar 700MHz network. Low radiofrequency bands like these are the best at penetrating obstacles like buildings, trees, and reaching as far as geographically possible from a given carrier-installed node. This makes these bands the optimal choice for providing great indoor coverage. Conversely, however, their low frequencies means they have the lowest capacity to carry data, which, in turn, means speeds won’t be that great.

Common questions on Google Search are already asking:

“Why is 5G so slow?” To some extent, that’s a U.S.-specific issue. The U.S. has gone all-in with low band and mmWave, missing the crucial mid band part of the equation. Both T-Mobile and AT&T’s nationwide 5G networks are available to hundreds of millions of people, but their data speeds aren’t impressive at all. At most, they can reach 225Mbps, but in the real world, it’s far more likely for them to reach 50-100Mbps, with speeds going as low as 20-30Mbps, which is indistinguishable from average 4G.

5G networks in other parts of the world, such as South Korea, Japan, and the UK, don’t suffer from this issue as they have emphasized the need for mid band. Low band networks will continue to be a part of the layer cake, but for now, the U.S. is placing too much emphasis on them. The problem is compounded by the fact that carriers lack the critical spectrum necessary to enable these low band networks to achieve their full potential in terms of data speeds.

Mid band is the optimal choice for building a 5G network. Mid band frequencies such as the popular 3.5GHz band as well as the 2.5GHz band aren’t the best at penetrating obstacles unlike low band frequencies nor can they carry as much data as mmWave frequencies. They aren’t the best for either indoor coverage or for the highest data speeds, but they are the best all-rounder. Mid-band coverage is acceptable as long as carriers are willing to install the appropriate number of nodes at any given location. Also, data speeds aren’t an issue as long as there is enough available spectrum for carriers to use. After all, 4G bands such as TDD-LTE band 40 (2300MHz) are also mid band, and carriers like Jio and China Mobile have used them with success in India and China respectively.

The spectrum issue is where the U.S. carriers ran into a roadblock. Up until now, none of the three major carriers in the U.S. have rolled out a mid band network for hundreds of millions of people. After merging with Sprint, T-Mobile has started building a mid band network, but it’s available only in a few cities so far. Verizon and AT&T have yet to roll out mid band 5G networks because they don’t even have the available spectrum. The U.S. FCC freed up valuable spectrum in the C Band earlier this year, much later than other countries. Both Verizon and AT&T have stated they plan to roll out their mid band networks in 2021. Consumers can only wait.

Consumers of mid band 5G networks in countries like South Korea have reported great speeds, and that’s the model the rest of the world should follow.

The controversial nature of mmWave mmWave 5G is an entirely different matter. It turns out all the objections that many informed people in the telecommunications industry had to mmWave were correct. Yes, it does bring incredibly high speeds—speeds can regularly break the 1Gbps barrier for downlink. Yes, it does have low latency. However, none of that matters to any appreciable extent when you consider the limitations of the technology.

mmWave requires a line-of-sight to the carrier-installed node. The mmWave bands use incredibly high radiofrequencies, starting at 24GHz. These frequencies are blocked by obstacles like buildings, trees, and even a user’s hand. Even rain will degrade the signal. The geographical reach of these frequencies is only about 500 meters. It means that unless carriers install nodes in every lane, street, and neighbourhood, an mmWave signal will never be available to most consumers. You can use beanforming and place multiple antenna modules in a phone, but you can’t overcome physics at the end of the day.

Yes, these limitations are because of physics. There is a reason why so much spectrum was unused in these high frequencies. Using them for a mobile network that actually depends on radio waves reaching as far as they can is a bad idea. It’s a bad idea in principle, and carriers are only now starting to realize that. In the U.S., for example, T-Mobile has stopped promoting its mmWave 5G network that is available in select locations in select cities in the country. AT&T’s mmWave network isn’t even available to general consumers as it’s restricted for businesses. It’s only Verizon that has kept bragging about its mmWave “5G Ultra Wide Band” network, but once the novelty factor of 1Gbps speeds wears off, there is precious little utility to these newfangled networks.

The argument can be made that mmWave 5G works best when intended for crowded settings like landmarks, stadiums, meeting halls, etc. I would still disagree, as mid band 5G is just a far better compromise. Which sounds better: 1Gbps 5G with a signal that disappears as soon as you walk away from the public landmark, or 600Mbps 5G with a signal that actually keeps up when you head indoors? I know which one I would choose. Besides, it’s a far easier choice for carriers as well: spend less money on installing mmWave nodes, and have a network that can be used by more people over a wider geographical area.

Thankfully, as I mentioned, the vast majority of carriers have stayed far away from mmWave. 5G roll-outs in places like Saudi Arabia, Europe, and China are all based on mid band, and in some cases, complemented with low band.

The 5G ecosystem The technology itself is nothing without its ecosystem. The 5G ecosystem consists of carriers that roll out 5G networks, network chip manufacturers, chip vendors that sell modem chips to enable smartphones to connect to these networks, and device makers that sell phones to end consumers. Other stakeholders in the industry include governments and their anti-trust bodies, contractors, and more.

Carriers In June 2020, 35 countries had rolled out some form of a 5G network up until now. There are 195 countries in the world, so there is still quite a way to go before 5G networks are available in even half of the world’s countries. At this point, Qualcomm will point out that 5G adoption has been faster than 4G LTE so far. Quite a few more networks are stated to go live in 2021.

In some countries like China, South Korea, and the U.S., 5G networks are available for millions of people. In contrast, there isn’t a single live 5G network in India, for example. Generally, the roll out of 5G has started earlier in developed countries, while emerging markets are taking their time. An optimistic argument can be made that within five years, most of the world will have it. Right now, though, for many places, it’s still a far off dream.

Examples of carriers that have rolled out 5G on a meaningfully substantial basis include China Mobile, SK Telecom, T-Mobile, AT&T, EE, and more.

Chip vendors 

Now, there are two kinds of chip vendors. Vendors like Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, and ZTE sell 5G network chips to carriers to build base stations and carrier nodes. Thanks to political and security allegations, Huawei has been blocked from selling or having any part in the 5G networks of most Western countries, especially the U.S. This leaves Ericsson and Nokia to carry the mantle. On the other hand, it is generally accepted that Huawei has a technological advantage in network chips, and China’s 5G networks have been built by Huawei. With the trade ban on HiSilicon, though, it’s unclear how things will proceed in the future.

The other type of chip vendors are those that sell modem chips to smartphone device makers. Qualcomm is the prime example here, but Samsung Systems LSI and MediaTek also play a part. Huawei’s HiSilicon Group’s modem chips were used by Huawei itself, but with the coming dissolution of HiSilicon, this seems to be coming to an end. 


5G is a complex subject. In this article, we have only scratched the surface of the different sub-topics of 5G. Other sub-topics not covered here include the potential of 5G as a home broadband replacement, the power efficiency of 5G modems, the impact of 5G on flagship smartphone pricing, the cost structure of 5G services, and much more. Future articles will attempt to detail each of the aforementioned topics, and will go deeper into the topics that we have briefly explained.

A lot has been written about 5G, and a lot more will continue to be written about it until it is inevitably succeeded by the next wireless generation. There will be a lot of debates about the need and efficacy of 5G. There will be a lot of marketing jargon. There will be a lot of upselling. The industry has converged around 5G because there is a lot of money to be made here. Like it or not, it seems 5G is here to stay. 


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Most In-Demand Programming languages

In this article we are going to see about 11 Most In-Demand Programming languages...

You don’t want to waste your time. If you’re going to put aside the time and energy needed to learn new programming languages, you want to make sure, without a doubt, that the ones you choose are the most in-demand programming languages on the market. 

After all, if you’re trying to start (or advance) a career in software development, you’ll need to be at the front of the metaphorical class. You’ll need to know which programming languages are popular, which are useful and which are up-and-coming on the market — and then set yourself up to learn them. 

Not sure where to start? 

Don’t worry; we’ve already done the heavy lifting for you, and looked through developer and market data from the past several years to identify trends and draw conclusions that will help you plan for your programming education. In this article, we’ll walk you through the 11 most in-demand programming languages and give you a few pointers on how to learn them. 

But before we get started, let’s recap how we built this list in the first place. When we sat down to figure out what the most in-demand programming languages for 2021 might be, we had two primary research questions:

Which languages are in demand right now? Which ones are growing in popularity and will be in demand soon? You can probably guess the rationale behind our first question. While following trends isn’t always the best way to figure out which languages to prioritize, a language’s popularity can indicate its prominence in the market. Here’s a general rule of thumb for you — the more used or common a language is, the more likely it is that a developer (i.e., you!) will need to deal with it at work.

Next, we considered which skills are poised to become the most sought-after programming languages on the market. To do so, we dug into Stack Overflow’s developer surveys from the last two years and focused on: 

The languages that developers report they use and want to continue using The languages that developers aren’t using yet, but are interested in using By looking at these trends, we aimed to gain a better understanding of which languages will become popular in the years ahead. 

We found that Rust, Python and Typescript all topped Stack Overflow’s list for the most-loved languages in 2019 and 2020, with only slight shuffling across years. Similarly, Python, JavaScript and Go ruled the top three of Stack’s Most Wanted lists for both years. Given their prevalence in developers’ minds, the odds of these five languages increasing in popularity is high — and are therefore worth including on our list. 

However, where we ranked each language depended on other factors. For example, because Python has consistently held a top-five spot on Stack Overflow’s most commonly-used, -loved and -wanted lists, we chose to rank it higher than Rust, which, while ranking #1 on Stack’s most-loved list, languishes at #19 on the organization’s common-languages list. 

Now that we’ve covered our process, let’s start answering the question at hand: 

What are the most in-demand coding languages for 2021?

1. JavaScript 

What this language is used for: 

  • Web development 
  • Game development 
  • Mobile apps

 Building web servers According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript currently stands as the most commonly-used language in the world (69.7%), followed by HTML/CSS (62.4%), SQL (56.9%), Python (41.6%) and Java (38.4%). It is also the most sought-out programming language by hiring managers in the Americas (PDF, 2.4 MB). 

JavaScript is used to manage the behavior of web pages. With it, coders can create dynamic web elements such as animated graphics, interactive maps, clickable buttons and more. Programmers who use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in tandem obtain a higher level of website control and can provide a better user experience in terms of navigation and readability. 

JavaScript is the most common coding language in use today around the world. This is for a good reason: most web browsers utilize it and it’s one of the easiest languages to learn. JavaScript requires almost no prior coding knowledge — once you start learning, you can practice and play with it immediately. 

Moreover, because the language is so ubiquitous, there are countless communities, courses and avenues of professional support available online. This support, in addition to the language’s top-notch usability, makes JavaScript number one on our list of the most in-demand programming languages. 

2. Python 

What this language is used for:

  • Back end development 
  • Data science
  •  App development 

Python is a general-purpose programming language that empowers developers to use several different programming styles (i.e., functional, object-oriented, reflective, etc.) when creating programs. Several popular digital tools and platforms were developed with Python, including YouTube, Google Search and iRobot machines. It is also, according to HackerRank, the second-most in-demand programming language for hiring managers in the Americas after Python (PDF, 2.4 MB).

As one of the more easy-to-learn and -use languages, Python is ideal for beginners and experienced coders alike. The language comes with an extensive library that supports common commands and tasks. Its interactive qualities allow programmers to test code as they go, reducing the amount of time wasted on creating and testing long sections of code. 

That said, even advanced users would benefit from adding Python to their mental catalog of programming languages; with over 50% of hiring managers (PDF, 2.4MB) seeking candidates who know the language, Python is easily one of the most marketable and in-demand programming languages of 2021. 


 What this language is used for: 

  • Web documents 
  • Website development 
  • Website maintenance 

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Don’t let the complicated-sounding name fool you, though; HTML is one of the most accessible stepping stones into the world of programming. 

Technically, HTML is a markup language, which means that it is responsible for formatting the appearance of information on a website. Essentially, HTML is used to describe web pages with ordinary text. It doesn’t have the same functionality as other programming languages in this list and is limited to creating and structuring text on a site. Sections, headings, links and paragraphs are all part of the HTML domain. 

As of 2020, HTML shares its #2 spot on Stack Overflow’s list of the most commonly used languages in the world with CSS. 

4. CSS 

What this language is used for: 

  • Web documents 
  • Website development 
  • Website design

 CSS, or cascading style sheets, is usually applied in conjunction with HTML and governs the site’s appearance. While HTML organizes site text into chunks, CSS is responsible for determining the size, color and position of all page elements. 

CSS is convenient, too; the cascading part of the name means that an applied style will cascade down from parent elements to all children elements across the site. This feature means that once users determine aesthetics for the main parent, they won’t have to manually repeat their code across a website. Moreover, the delegation of site organization to HTML and aesthetics to CSS means that users don’t have to completely rewrite a web page just to change a color. 

CSS is an approachable language that allows beginning programmers to dip their toes in the metaphorical coding pool. If you’re new to coding, there’s no reason not to learn CSS before tackling more complex languages! 

5. Java 

What this language is used for: 

  • E-commerce 
  • Finance 
  • App development 

Java is a general use and object-oriented programming language. In object-oriented programming, developers create objects that encompass functions and data, which can then be used to provide structure for programs and applications. 

Java currently ranks as the third-most sought-after programming language for hiring managers globally (PDF, 2.4 MB) and has held the #5 spot on Stack Overflow’s list of the most commonly used languages for two years. 

Java’s popularity is for good reason; this language is relatively easy to learn and use, boasts incredible security and can handle massive amounts of data. These features make Java an ideal language for the online finance sector, and it is often applied in industries such as banking, billing and the stock market. 

The versatility of the language, however, is what learners find really appealing. Touted as a “write-once, run-anywhere” language, Java can effectively run on any operating system, regardless of which OS was used to write the original code. It is thus ideal for writing apps not only for mobile phones and computers, but also remote processors, sensors and a variety of other consumer products. 

6. SQL

 What this language is used for: 

  • Database management 
  • Sales reports
  •  Business management 

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a language that allows programmers to query and manipulate databases. As a domain-specific language, it is designed mainly for managing data within an RDBMS (relational database management system). Put simply, SQL can locate and retrieve data from a database, as well as update, add or remove records. 

While SQL is highly functional, it tends to work better with small databases and doesn’t always lend itself to managing expansive ones. 

That said, SQL still ranks as the third-most-used language in the programming industry, with over half (54.7%) of surveyed developers reporting that they use it. 

 7. NoSQL 

What this language is used for: 

  • Database management
  •  Sales reports
  •  Business management

 NoSQL, or Non-relational SQL, was created to improve SQL’s scalability while retaining the other language’s ease of use. 

Remember, SQL utilizes relational database/stream management systems that keep data in tables and allows users to manipulate and extract data. NoSQL databases, on the other hand, don’t use tables and can be more useful than their predecessors for specific applications, such as storing data in a hierarchical network or supporting large-scale, cloud-based applications. 

Because these languages are both so versatile, they rank high on our list of the most in-demand coding languages. 

8. C# 

What this language is used for: 

  • Game development 
  • Desktop/web/mobile apps 
  • VR 

Also stylized as C Sharp, this language belongs to the object-oriented family of programming languages. C# was released in 2002 by Microsoft and stands today as a much-loved improvement on the C++ coding language. 

As a general-purpose language, C# is growing in popularity for developing web and desktop applications; according to HackerRank, roughly one of every five hiring managers (PDF, 2.4 MB) is looking for a developer that can code with C#. There’s no denying that it is one of the most in-demand coding languages for the upcoming year; however, there are other reasons to have this skill on your radar.

As with other popular languages, an enormous community works with C# and offers support to new learners. Because of this, learning C# may be easier than attempting to learn some of the newer and less-documented languages. Plus, C# is ideal for building ever-more-popular mobile apps and games. There’s little doubt that this language will continue to be useful in the coming years. 

9. Rust 

What this language is used for:

  • Operating systems 
  • VR 
  • Web browsers 

According to Stack Overflow, Rust has consistently ranked at the top of the most-loved programming languages, with 86% of users claiming that they were interested in continuing to develop with it. 

However, Rust users only accounted for 3% of developers in the survey, which indicates that the vast majority of programmers are unfamiliar with its usefulness. Rust is a “multi-paradigm” programming language, which means that it allows developers to work in a variety of programming styles. In syntax, it is comparable to C++, though it supports more wide-ranging applications. 

If you’re looking for faster compilation, better cross-platform capabilities or just better career prospects, Rust is a great language to pick up. 

10. Perl 

What this language is used for:

  • System administration 
  • GUI development
  • Network programming

 Perl isn’t the most commonly used language on the market. In fact, just 3.1 percent of developers used it in 2020, and it didn’t even make Stack Overflow’s commonly used languages list for 2019. However, we are recommending it for a reason. If you’re already well into your career, learning Perl could significantly boost your earnings potential. 

According to HackerRank, developers who know Perl tend to make 54 percent more than the average developer (PDF, 2.4MB). That said, it is worth noting that most of the people who know these are senior developers, who tend to make more at a baseline — thus, attempting to quantify the “bonus” that a programming language provides may be somewhat tricky. That said, learning a language like Perl may still make a junior developer better suited for a promotion or raise. 

The Practical Extraction and Report Language — or Perl, for short — is a scripting language that is commonly used to extract information from a text file and create a report. 

While many programming languages are compiled languages — wherein a target machine translates the program — Perl is an interpreted language, wherein a third “interpreting” machine locates the code and executes a task. Usually, interpreted programs require more CPU, but because Perl is such a concise language, it creates short scripts that can be processed quickly. 

11. Go 

What this language is used for:

  • System/network programming
  •  Audio/video editing 
  • Big Data 

Developed at Google in 2007, Go is a top-tier programming language. What makes Go really shine is its efficiency; it is capable of executing several processes concurrently. And as far as programming languages go, it has an extensive “vocabulary,” meaning it can display more information than other languages. 

Though it uses a similar syntax to C, Go is a standout language that provides top-notch memory safety and management features. Additionally, the language’s structural typing capabilities allow for a great deal of functionality and dynamism. Moreover, Go is not only high up on programmers’ most-loved and most-wanted lists — it also correlates to a 33% salary bump (PDF, 2.4 MB).

 Final Thoughts

 Whether you are an established coder or just starting to look into the industry, learning a new language is one of the best ways to advance your programming career. But how can you start your educational journey? 

Your first step depends on you, your schedule and the resources you have at hand. 

A college program, for example, will provide you with a comprehensive education in the theory and practice of programming — however, the typical undergraduate program also demands four years of full-time study and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition funding. 

If you want a faster and less expensive educational experience that focuses on skills-based learning, you may want to consider a coding boot camp. Coding boot camps equip you with the hands-on skills and language proficiencies you’ll need to land an entry-level job in the field — all within three to six months.