Monday, August 30, 2021

What is chrome book and laptop? and Difference Between Chromebook and Laptop

 In this article we are going to see about What is chrome book and laptop? Difference Between Chromebook and Laptop....

On the surface, both Chromebooks and laptops look just the same with same design element and build, but Chromebooks are a whole new breed that is very different from your regular laptops and it’s all Google. Laptops have always been the undisputed kings of mobile computer until Chromebooks came to the picture. Chromebooks are a new range of faster yet budget-friendly laptops with a lighter operating system. They run on the skinned version of the Chrome web browser instead of Windows or Mac OS. Despite the OS, it can do literally everything like watching and streaming videos, listening to music, editing photos, checking Emails, and more. As it runs most of the applications out of cloud, it’s mainly Internet-based just like the Chrome browser. Basically it’s a soaped-up version of the Chrome browser designed to be used while connected to the internet.

What is Chromebook?

Chromebook is a new breed of budget-friendly laptops that runs on Linux-based Chrome OS, which is designed to be used with an Internet connection. They are very different from laptops with an entirely different OS altogether, just like Android. Chrome serves its basic purposes pretty well and it’s essentially mobile, considering it’s an online-only machine that does most of its work in the cloud. Hypothetically, it’s an average laptop with a fewer bells and whistles. They are extremely lightweight like ulrabooks that essentially don’t require heavy processing power or a lot of RAM. Instead, they rely more on cloud services and Google apps to function. In simple terms, Chromebook is an affordable laptop that runs on Chrome OS instead of Microsoft Windows.

Chromebooks are extremely popular in education circles, thanks to the streamlined design and ease of use. Chromebooks can hardly replace your feature-rich laptops, but they are worth your every single penny. The Chrome OS mimics the feel of a Windows laptop with a similar search button just like the Windows Start button. And it’s extremely lightweight compared to Windows and Mac OS. It has got everything from music and photos to Maps and office. It gives you the best of Google, Maps, Gmail, and Docs that are safely stored in the cloud. It syncs with your Android based devices; all you have to do is log in with your Google account and get going with no additional set up required. And the best part; the Chromebooks are updated automatically so you need not worry about manual updates and downloads.

What is Laptop?

Laptop is a portable personal computer with a smaller form factor. It has all the abilities of a full-sized desktop computer, but is small enough for easy-to-use mobility. It’s a miniature version of a computer powered by a battery and with on-screen keyboard, trackpad, and a trackball, which is technically a mouse. Unlike Chromebooks, laptops run on Windows OS and Mac OS. It’s equipped with all the functionalities of a personal computer, meaning it basically runs the same software and applications. However, laptops tend to be more expensive than personal computers. They are designed to consume less power and they usually run on AC power or batteries, such as Li-ion, NiMH, etc. They come with heavy processing power and lots of RAM to handle almost every task effortlessly.

Difference between Chromebook and Laptop


  The main difference is obviously the operating system. Laptops usually run on Microsoft Windows or Mac OS which is a full-fledge operating system designed for all kinds of stuff. Chromebooks, on the other hand, run on Google’s Chrome OS, which is basically the stripped version of its Chrome web browser.


Chrome OS is basically Chrome web browser with some added functionalities and it relies on Google’s own services such as Gmail, Maps, Docs, Drive, etc. Any laptop with a Chrome OS is a Chromebook. It doesn’t require heavy processing power or a lot of RAM like laptops to function. Instead it’s cloud-based, meaning applications and programs are stored in cloud.


Chromebooks are designed primarily for online use, so specs don’t matter much as they do to Windows laptops. As everything is stored in cloud and files are stored on Google Drive, they don’t require disk drives. Instead, it augments storage with SD cards or USB cards if necessary. Laptops have disk drives or high-performance SSDs for storage.


The Microsoft Office suite cannot be installed on a Chromebook. Instead, you can use Microsoft’s own cloud-based Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, and One Note on a Chromebook. Chrome’s native Google Docs and Sheets are the better alternatives for Word and Excel. Unlike Windows, Chrome OS doesn’t allow you to download applications; instead it relies on web apps.

Summary of Chromebook vs. Laptop

The main difference between Chromebooks and laptops is of course the operating system. While laptops run on the most popular operating system Windows, Chromebooks run on web-based Chrome OS, which is basically a skinned version of the Chrome browser with some added functionalities. While both look just the same, on the surface, they have significant differences in terms of specs and performance. One of the many aspects that clearly separates a Chromebook from a laptop is that it makes extensive use of the cloud and is primarily designed for online use. Chromebooks which entered the competition not too long ago, is not for everyone.

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History’s Most Dangerous Games

 In this article we are going to see about History’s Most Dangerous Games 

Ancient societies didn’t seem to think twice about spending blood and lives in the pursuit of great athletic entertainment. People have been hacked, poked, drowned, punched, cut, smashed, and skied to death, all in some of history’s greatest games. The good news, depending on your viewpoint, is a few of these games are still around, in one form or another. If you know where to go, you can still see these games play out the way they would have half a millennium ago, sometimes more.

A quick note. If you’ve come here for great Roman games, we’re sorry to disappoint, but we figured everyone knew about those. Putting them on this list would just be wasting your time. We went looking for games outside the Coliseum, since those were the ones most people probably don’t know about. And in our research, we found Romans actually lacked creativity. Historical games can get super weird. Here are history’s most dangerous games.

Calcio Storico 

Calcio Storico is the sport that inspired us to write this feature. Ever since we first posted about it, it’s been bouncing around in our heads. We needed to know more about it and find other sports with the same sort of cultural roots.

For most of the players, it seems like their motivation for playing is to honor Florentine tradition, as well as test their own personal limits. And test them they will, because in terms of rules, there aren’t many. They were established in 1580 and haven’t changed much. You can’t sucker punch or kick anyone in the head. Otherwise, you can punch, headbutt, trip, wrestle and choke your way across the field.

Players do seem adamant that Calcio Storico isn’t a sport, it’s a game. They might distinguish between the two by saying there isn’t really a season for the game. Players can only participate in a max of two games a year, so you don’t really have the multi-month processes of seasonal sports. Instead, you get a massive, energetic display of violence and tradition that pits the four quarters of Florence, Italy, against each other.


It’s a shame that modern Japanese culture’s reputation is so dominated by general weirdness and unsettling cartoons, because the small nation has some truly badass traditions, Bo-Taoshi being just one of them. When it comes to rules, Bo-Taoshi is surprisingly simple. For one team, it’s defend a pole for two minutes. For the other, attack it and bend it to a 45 degree angle. Where the complications come in is in practice. Both teams attack and defend at the same time and contain 150 players, meaning there’s 300 guys beating each other to a pulp for two minutes. For protection, all you get is a padded helmet. Otherwise, it’s you and your clothed body smashing one human wall against the other.

There’s no exact date for the first ever game of Bo-Taoshi, but it’s thought to have started sometime in 1945 with Japanese military cadets. That’s plausible enough for us, as the initial chanting and cries of the attacking charge sound a lot like the Japanese soldiers of World War Two. Plus, we imagine the game would be an excellent way to teach soldiers to work together in large groups, as well as withstand serious physical punishment. Not that we’re hoping the Army military starts using Bo-Taoshi at West Point. Just that it’s easy to see there might be some benefits here.

Mesoamerican Ball Game

The Olmecs were the first people to record playing the Mesoamerican Ball Game and by all indications for them, it was a fairly ordinary game. It was similar to volleyball, but with a solid rubber ball and where you used your whole body and wore thick padding and a helmet. It wasn’t until the Mayans got their hands on it that it got weirdly hardcore. Presumably, they played it the same, but definitely amplified the mythos. Mostly, the first game was between humans and the lords of the underworld. Under the Mayans, the game could be used to settle territorial and hereditary disputes, stood in for traditional warfare, and could even predict the future. The Mayans would also frequently sacrifice the losing team, who were usually prisoners of war.

The Aztecs kept up the more gruesome aspects of the game, even adding where they thought it needed it. Carvings have been found that depict the game being played with the heads of the previous game’s losers and Spanish observers reported horrific injuries and deaths from unprotected contact with the ball.

If you want a taste of the game, modern Mexicans tamed it and renamed it Ulama. If you find yourself in Mexico and want to experience ancient sporting events, it’s worth looking up or asking around.


Polo, along with cricket, has to be the most pretentious, upper class sport we’ve ever seen, so to find out polo started as a way to train mounted fighting units is like finding out Marine Recon units invented knitting to train fine motor skills. Although it does start to get more believable once you learn about the numbers involved in those ancient Persian matches. Where today’s polo matches put four fancy Englishmen on each team, Persian matches could have upwards of two hundred mounted units galloping around swinging mallets. There was potentially 700 years of this hardcore version of polo maintaining its military edge undulled, as polo’s on Persian records between the 7th century BC and 1st century AD.

Eventually the game spread out in both directions, reaching China and Japan on one side and England on the other. For the English, it quickly became the high falutin pastime we know today. But it was in China faster and Emperor A-pao-chi took it a little more seriously. When a relative he was particularly fond of died in a match, he beheaded the surviving players. And apparently whoever recorded that incident didn’t feel the need to distinguish between teams, which makes us think the emperor killed anyone and everyone involved in that unfortunate match.


You have to respect people who look at a sport like polo (in its early days) and decide there’s not enough blood. Then you have to respect them more when they solve the blood deficit with a headless corpse. Not human, granted, but a headless goat carcass shouldn’t be scoffed at. There’s a third level of respect due when you realize people have been playing buzkashi since Turkic tribes invented it as a way to train cavalry units (just like polo). It only took a few years for American football to thicken up its helmets and pads, yet Afghani athletes never once looked at their decapitated herd animal and thought to replace it with a stuffed counterpart.

We’re sure there’s some nuance to the game we’re not grasping here, but basically players have to carry the goat carcass from one end of the field to the other and back, then drop it in the scoring circle. Those are rules that even the most casual observer can understand. This is also the national sport of Afghanistan and personally, we hope it continues to be. It can be disheartening to watch countries lose parts of their national identity just because some people get uncomfortable, so here’s to another few centuries of Afghanis slinging dead goats like polo mallets.

If you want, here’s some great footage of the game. The video’s a little old, but we promise, the game hasn’t changed since the recording.

Egyptian Fisherman Joust

We haven’t had much cause to research Egyptian naval activities, so the Egyptian Fisherman Joust is really our first exposure to the ancient empire’s waterborne happenings and we’re alarmed to say the least. The only reason this qualifies as a sport is because archaeologists and historians haven’t found any examples of actual military forces using these techniques to solve problems. If they had, those problems would have stayed solved.

Basically, a bunch of guys stood up in a small boat, each one of them carrying a long pole. Some of them would use the poles to pilot the boat, while a few of them used their poles to hit the people in the other boat. And these weren’t playful jabs. Carvings regularly depict the matches as extremely violent and malicious, most, if not all of them, drawing blood. If the other crew successfully knocked you into the water, it probably didn’t matter if you could swim or not, as the blood in the water had already attracted crocodiles and hippopotamuses. Your chances of becoming a meal were high, so we’d love to know how popular this game actually was. Did they play it once and learn their lesson? Or was this a Roman Coliseum situation, where you just make slaves go out and get cut up and eaten?

Octopus Wrestling

Surprisingly, the craziest part about octopus wrestling isn’t the activity. The sport itself is straightforward. Get in the water, find an octopus, and wrestle it to shore. We would be lucky if more sports had such simple objectives. What’s weird is that this sport was played by modern people in the Pacific Northwest. There are articles from the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s, all detailing the lively cephalopod combat sport, with some events drawing crowds that numbered in the thousands. Granted this is also around the time when cramming people into phone booths was a huge event on college campuses, so maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised when we hear about people doing weird stuff in the postwar decades. Also, octopus wrestling is illegal now, so if you go diving into the Puget Sound looking for a fight, you’re better off having one with a human.

Viking Swimming Competitions

When Vikings decided to race each other in the water, they did it in their own special way. Basically, they turned Michael Phelps’s career into a contact sport. If Vikings were swimming competitively, assume they were hitting and shoving each other or dragging their opponent under the water in an attempt to slow them down. And sometimes all this was fully decked out in weapons and armor too, which means they’ve added a whole bunch of soaking wet cloth and leather, as well as pounds of metal to an already far too dangerous sport.

There are even reports, albeit hard to confirm, that sometimes Vikings would strike the swimming altogether. If they did, the competition was to try and hold your opponent under the water for longer than he held you. It’s either an insane sport or Norsemen trying to force each other to develop gills and from what we know of the Vikings, they weren’t super concerned with evolution.

Saturday, August 28, 2021


In this article we are going to see about IP ADDRESS...

 IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are used to identify hardware devices on a network. The addresses allow these devices to connect to one another and transfer data on a local network or over the internet.

Each address is a string of numbers separated by periods. There are four numbers in total and each number can range between 0 and 255. An example of an IP address would be: 506.457.14.512

We need billions of IP addresses to identify every computer, router and website on the internet. One day we’ll run out of unique addresses and a new IPv6 protocol has been designed to meet this need.

How Do I Find Out my IP Address?

If your computer is connected to both your local network and the internet, then it will have two IP addresses. You’ll have a private IP address locally, and a public IP address on the internet.

private IP address is used to connect your computer or device to your home or business network. This address is normally assigned by your network router.

Private IP addresses are in the range or An example of a private IP address is

There are a few ways to discover your private IP address. For example, on Windows you can type ipconfig on the command prompt. Similarly, Mac users can type the command ifconfig in the Terminal app.

Your public IP address is used to connect your home or business network to the internet. This address is assigned by your internet service provider (ISP).

To find your public IP address, simply go to in your web browser. This site will display your public IP address and other information.

If you have a WordPress website, it will also have a public IP address. You can learn its address by visiting your hosting provider or checking the email they sent you when you signed up.

Alternatively, you can use WhatIsMyIP’s DNS Lookup tool. Once you type in your website’s URL the website will display its IP address.

IP Addresses and Domain Names

Humans are more comfortable with names than numbers. It’s easier to remember a domain name like than a long list of numbers like

The internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) is like a phone book. When you type a domain name like, it automatically looks up the number, the IP address, and connects you to the website.

What’s interesting is that your WordPress site doesn’t know its IP address, just the URL. That makes it easier to switch to a new hosting provider, where your website’s URL is likely to change.

If you’d like to learn more about DNS, then check our beginner’s guide on domain names and they work.

Dynamic and Static IP Addresses

Most internet users have a dynamic IP address that automatically changes from time to time. This is better for internet service providers that need to deal with customers joining and leaving the service, and changing address.

Most websites have a static IP address that doesn’t change. This is important because the DNS system uses your website’s IP address when someone navigates to your site or sends you an email.

If you plan on hosting your own website, then you will need to purchase a static IP address from your internet service provider, which will cost you extra.

The IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols

The original Internet Protocol is IPv4. As we’ve seen, it defines an IP address as a 32-bit number like 506.457.14.512. That only allows for around 4 billion IP addresses, and that’s not enough for ongoing use.

IPv6 is a new protocol that was introduced in 1998. Deployment commenced in the mid-2000s and is ongoing. When you visit you can discover whether you’ve been assigned an IPv6 IP Address.

The new protocol uses 128-bit IP addresses that look like 4ggr:1925:5656:7:600:t4tt:tc54:98vt.

This means that IPv6 is able to provide about 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses. That’s more than enough to meet the growing need for IP addresses for websites, computers, smartphones, smartwatches, and smart refrigerators for years to come.

We hope this article helped you learn more about IP addresses. You may also want to see our Additional Reading list below for related articles on useful WordPress tips, tricks, and ideas.

If you liked this guide, then please consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.


Friday, August 27, 2021

MOTHER TERESA(1910-1997)

In this article we are going to see about Mother Teresa... 

  • Mother Teresa was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor. Considered one of the 20th Century's greatest humanitarians, she was canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016.

Who Was Mother Teresa?

  • Nun and missionary Mother Teresa, known in the Catholic church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor. Born in Macedonia to parents of Albanian-descent and having taught in India for 17 years, Mother Teresa experienced her "call within a call" in 1946. Her order established a hospice; centers for the blind, aged and disabled; and a leper colony. 
  • In 1979, Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. She died in September 1997 and was beatified in October 2003. In December 2015, Pope Francis recognized a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, clearing the way for her to be canonized on September 4, 2016.

Mother Teresa’s Family and Young Life

  • Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, the current capital of the Republic of Macedonia. The following day, she was baptized as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.Mother Teresa’s parents, Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu, were of Albanian descent; her father was an entrepreneur who worked as a construction contractor and a trader of medicines and other goods. The Bojaxhius were a devoutly Catholic family, and Nikola was deeply involved in the local church as well as in city politics as a vocal proponent of Albanian independence.
  • In 1919, when Mother Teresa — then Agnes — was only eight years old, her father suddenly fell ill and died. While the cause of his death remains unknown, many have speculated that political enemies poisoned him.
  • In the aftermath of her father's death, Agnes became extraordinarily close to her mother, a pious and compassionate woman who instilled in her daughter a deep commitment to charity. Although by no means wealthy, Drana Bojaxhiu extended an open invitation to the city's destitute to dine with her family. "My child, never eat a single mouthful unless you are sharing it with others," she counseled her daughter. When Agnes asked who the people eating with them were, her mother uniformly responded, "Some of them are our relations, but all of them are our people."

Education and Nunhood

  • Agnes attended a convent-run primary school and then a state-run secondary school. As a girl, she sang in the local Sacred Heart choir and was often asked to sing solos. The congregation made an annual pilgrimage to the Church of the Black Madonna in Letnice, and it was on one such trip at the age of 12 that she first felt a calling to religious life. Six years later, in 1928, an 18-year-old Agnes Bojaxhiu decided to become a nun and set off for Ireland to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin. It was there that she took the name Sister Mary Teresa after Saint Thérèse of Lisieux.
  • A year later, Sister Mary Teresa traveled on to Darjeeling, India, for the novitiate period; in May 1931, she made her First Profession of Vows. Afterward, she was sent to Calcutta, where she was assigned to teach at Saint Mary's High School for Girls, a school run by the Loreto Sisters and dedicated to teaching girls from the city's poorest Bengali families. Sister Teresa learned to speak both Bengali and Hindi fluently as she taught geography and history and dedicated herself to alleviating the girls' poverty through education.
  • On May 24, 1937, she took her Final Profession of Vows to a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. As was the custom for Loreto nuns, she took on the title of "Mother" upon making her final vows and thus became known as Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa continued to teach at Saint Mary's, and in 1944 she became the school's principal. Through her kindness, generosity and unfailing commitment to her students' education, she sought to lead them to a life of devotion to Christ. "Give me the strength to be ever the light of their lives, so that I may lead them at last to you," she wrote in prayer.

'Call Within a Call'

  • On September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa experienced a second calling, the "call within a call" that would forever transform her life. She was riding in a train from Calcutta to the Himalayan foothills for a retreat when she said Christ spoke to her and told her to abandon teaching to work in the slums of Calcutta aiding the city's poorest and sickest people.
  • Since Mother Teresa had taken a vow of obedience, she could not leave her convent without official permission. After nearly a year and a half of lobbying, in January 1948 she finally received approval to pursue this new calling. That August, donning the blue-and-white sari that she would wear in public for the rest of her life, she left the Loreto convent and wandered out into the city. After six months of basic medical training, she voyaged for the first time into Calcutta's slums with no more specific a goal than to aid "the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for."

Missionaries of Charity

  • Mother Teresa quickly translated her calling into concrete actions to help the city's poor. She began an open-air school and established a home for the dying destitute in a dilapidated building she convinced the city government to donate to her cause. In October 1950, she won canonical recognition for a new congregation, the Missionaries of Charity, which she founded with only a handful of members—most of them former teachers or pupils from St. Mary's School.
  • As the ranks of her congregation swelled and donations poured in from around India and across the globe, the scope of Mother Teresa's charitable activities expanded exponentially. Over the course of the 1950s and 1960s, she established a leper colony, an orphanage, a nursing home, a family clinic and a string of mobile health clinics.

  • In 1971, Mother Teresa traveled to New York City to open her first American-based house of charity, and in the summer of 1982, she secretly went to Beirut, Lebanon, where she crossed between Christian East Beirut and Muslim West Beirut to aid children of both faiths. In 1985, Mother Teresa returned to New York and spoke at the 40th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly. While there, she also opened Gift of Love, a home to care for those infected with HIV/AIDS.


Thursday, August 26, 2021


In this article we are going to see about home remedies for knew pain... 

Knee pain is a common condition that can be caused by both short-term and long-term problems.

Many short-term knee problems do not need any help from doctors and people can often help with their own recovery.

Home remedies can also help with many of the long-term problems with knee pain.

Seven home remedies

The treatment for knee pain will depend, to some extent, on the cause of the problem. However, the following simple remedies can help with many forms of knee pain.

1. Physical activity

Exercise can delay the development of osteoarthritis (OA), one of the most common causes of knee pain.

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the Arthritis Foundation (AF)Trusted Source urge people to exercise to manage OA of the knee. Walking, cycling, swimming, tai chi, and yoga may all be beneficial.

Being physically active boosts the health of cartilage tissue, whether a person has OA or not.

Exercise also strengthens the way the body supports the joints. Strengthening the leg muscles is especially beneficial for the knees.

People with joint pain can benefit from activities such as water aerobics, as this puts little strain on the knees.

2. Strengthening exercises

Individuals can work with a physical therapist to identify the best exercises and programs for their needs.

Strengthening the upper leg muscles—the quadriceps muscles—through exercise can help to protect the knee joint. These muscles are at the sides and front of the thighs.

Here are some ways to strengthen these muscles:

  • Straighten and raise a leg while lying or sitting down.
  • Place one foot up on a step, then the other, stepping down again, and repeating the step-ups.
  • Sit on a chair and then stand and sit repeatedly for a minute. Do this in a slow, controlled way and avoid using the hands to support you.
  • Hold a chair and squat until the kneecaps cover the toes. Do this 10 times.

3. Posture and support

Measures that can help to minimize knee strain include:

  • avoiding low chairs and couches that you “sink” into
  • sitting on a pillow to raise your seating level, if necessary
  • checking that you have a good sitting posture, without slouching or leaning
  • wearing supportive shoes and avoiding those with broken arches, as they can result in abnormal force and wear on the knee
  • avoiding prolonged sitting and long periods without moving, as joints may become stiff and painful without movement.

4. Weight loss and diet

People who have excess weight or obesity have a higher risk of knee pain.

Carrying extra weight gives the joints more work to do. Losing it helps to reduce long-term knee pain, including pain caused by arthritis.

Extra weight on your body increases inflammation throughout the body and the knees are affected.

Eating well helps with keeping weight off.

A healthful diet means a balanced one that is:

  • high in fruit, vegetables, and fiber
  • low in meat, animal fat, and other fat

The Arthritis Foundation recommend a Mediterranean-style diet that is rich in fresh produce.

ExpertsTrusted Source urge people with OA of the knee to lose weight if they have overweight or obesity. A doctor or dietitian can help decide how much weight a person needs to lose. They can also help plan a suitable diet.

5. Medications

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other medications can help with knee pain caused by arthritis. Some of these need to be given in a doctor’s office, but some can be used at home, either with or without a prescription.

Medications that may help manage pain include:

  • oral or topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • topical capsaicin
  • steroid injections into the joint
  • tramadol

Acetaminophen and duloxetine, which is an antidepressant, may help.

ExpertsTrusted Source do not recommend using opioids, except for tramadol.

Some of these medications are available for purchase over-the-counter or online, including the NSAIDs ibuprofen and naproxen.

6. Massage

Massage, including self-massage, may relieve knee pain.

The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) recommend the following.

These should be done in a seated position with the knees pointing forward and the feet flat on the floor.

  1. Loosely closing the hands into fists, tap the upper, lower, and middle thigh 10 times with both hands. Repeat three times.
  2. Sitting with the feet flat on the floor, place the heel of the hand on the top of the thigh and glide it as far as the knee, then release. Repeat five times. Do the same for the outer and inner sides of the thigh.
  3. Press four fingers into the knee tissue and move up and down five times. Repeat all around the knee.
  4. Place the palm of the hand on top of the thigh, glide it down the thigh, over the knee and back up the outer thigh.

Massaging the thigh muscles will have a beneficial impact on the knee.

Current guidelinesTrusted Source do not recommend massage as a treatment for OA of the knee, as there is not enough evidence to prove that it helps reduce symptoms. However, massage may offer other benefits, such as managing stress.

7. Aromatherapy preparations

Essential oils may help reduce pain.

A study published in 2008 suggested that massaging with an oil containing ginger and orange improved pain and function in knees with moderate to severe pain due to osteoarthritis.

In one investigation, researchers found that applying an ointment containing cinnamon, ginger, mastic, and sesame oil had a similar effect on pain, stiffness, and motion as using salicylate ointment.

NOTE: Please do exercise regularly for keeping our knee good. 

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021


In this article we are going to see about diabetes and its types...

 Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to be used for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy.

Sometimes people call diabetes “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes.” These terms suggest that someone doesn’t really have diabetes or has a less serious case, but every case of diabetes is serious.

What are the different types of diabetes?

Diabetes is a group of diseases in which the body doesn’t produce enough or any insulin, doesn’t properly use the insulin that is produced, or exhibits a combination of both. When any of these things happens, the body is unable to get sugar from the blood into the cells. That leads to high blood sugar levels.

Glucose, the form of sugar found in your blood, is one of your main energy sources. A lack of insulin or resistance to insulin causes sugar to build up in your blood. This can lead to many health problems.

The three main types of diabetes are:

  • type 1 diabetes
  • type 2 diabetes
  • gestational diabetes

What causes diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is believed to be an autoimmune condition. This means your immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin. The damage is permanent.

What prompts the attacks isn’t clear. There may be both genetic and environmental reasons. Lifestyle factors aren’t thought to play a role.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes starts as insulin resistance. This means your body can’t use insulin efficiently. That stimulates your pancreas to produce more insulin until it can no longer keep up with demand. Insulin production decreases, which leads to high blood sugar.

The exact cause of type 2 diabetes is unknown. Contributing factors may include:

  • genetics
  • lack of exercise
  • being overweight

There may also be other health factors and environmental reasons.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is due to insulin-blocking hormones produced during pregnancy. This type of diabetes only occurs during pregnancy.

What are the symptoms?

General symptoms of diabetes include:

  • excessive thirst and hunger
  • frequent urination
  • drowsiness or fatigue
  • dry, itchy skin
  • blurry vision
  • slow-healing wounds

Type 2 diabetes can cause dark patches in the folds of skin in your armpits and neck. Since type 2 diabetes often takes longer to diagnose, you may feel symptoms at the time of diagnosis, like pain or numbness in your feet.

Type 1 diabetes often develops more quickly and can cause symptoms like weight loss or a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis can occur when you have very high blood sugars, but little or no insulin in your body.

Symptoms of both types of diabetes can appear at any age, but generally type 1 occurs in children and young adults. Type 2 occurs in people over the age of 45. But younger people are increasingly being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to sedentary lifestyles and an increase in weight.

How common is diabetes?

About 30.3 millionTrusted Source people in the United States have diabetes. About 5 to 10Trusted Source percent have type 1 diabetes, while 90 to 95 percent have type 2 diabetes.

The latest figures show that 1.5 million adultsTrusted Source were newly diagnosed in 2015. Another 84.1 million are thought to have prediabetes. But most people with prediabetes don’t know they have the condition.

Prediabetes occurs when your blood glucose is higher than it should be, but not high enough to be diabetes.

You’re more likely to develop diabetes if you have a family history of the disease.

Other risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

  • having a sedentary lifestyle
  • being overweight
  • having had gestational diabetes or prediabetes

Complications in pregnancy

High blood sugar levels during pregnancy can harm mother and child, increasing the risk of:

  • high blood pressure
  • preeclampsia
  • miscarriage or stillbirth
  • birth defects

How are different types of diabetes treated?

No matter what type of diabetes you have, you’ll need to work closely with your doctor to keep it under control.

The main goal is to keep blood glucose levels within your target range. Your doctor will let you know what your target range should be. Targets vary with the type of diabetes, age, and presence of complications.

If you have gestational diabetes, your blood sugar targets will be lower than people with other types of diabetes.

Physical activity is an important part of diabetes management. Ask your doctor how many minutes per week you should devote to aerobic exercise. Diet is also crucial to good control. You’ll also need to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol.

Treating type 1

All people with type 1 diabetes must take insulin to live because damage to the pancreas is permanent. There are different types of insulin available with different times of onset, peak, and duration.

Insulin is injected just under the skin. Your doctor will show you how to properly inject and rotate injection sites. You can also use an insulin pump, which is a device worn outside your body that can be programmed to release a specific dose. There are now continuous blood glucose monitors as well that check your sugar 24 hours a day.

You’ll need to monitor your blood sugar levels throughout the day. If necessary, you may also need to take medication to control cholesterol, high blood pressure, or other complications.

Treating type 2

Type 2 diabetes is managed with diet and exercise, and can also be treated with a variety of medications to help control blood sugar. The first-line medication is usually metformin (Glumetza, Glucophage, Fortamet, Riomet). This drug helps your body use insulin more effectively. If metformin doesn’t work, your doctor can add other medications or try something different.

You’ll need to monitor your blood sugar levels. You may also need medications to help control blood pressure and cholesterol.


There’s no known prevention for type 1 diabetes.

You can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes if you:

  • control your weight and manage your diet
  • exercise regularly
  • avoid smoking, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol levels

If you had gestational diabetes or have prediabetes, these habits can delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

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